Welcome to the Tapping Into You Library. 

Transform your life with a comprehensive library of EFT Tapping videos and audios, meditations, resources and courses, now accessible through our exclusive 'Tapping into You' app!

By joining the Tapping Into You Library, you are taking a powerful step towards emotional freedom and inner peace. Our resources will support you in managing daily emotions, releasing old traumas, and rewriting beliefs that no longer serve you.

You can change behavioural patterns that hold you back and feel lighter and freer as you tap into your true self. Sarah sprinkles everything she does with deep spiritual connection all designed to help you connect with your soul on a deeper level. 

Whether you are new to tapping or an experienced practitioner, this library offers a wealth of resources designed to support your personal growth and well-being. Join the library today and experience the transformation that comes with tapping into your true self.

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Why Join the Tapping into You Library?

1. Exclusive Access to a Wealth of Resources

  • Extensive Collection of Tapping Sequences: Support yourself with 300+ videos and resources across a variety of issues including stress, overwhelm, anxiety, sleep problems, procrastination, sabotage, frustration and rage, and boost your energy with tapping for self-belief, confidence, self-love and more.
  • Video Tutorial: Workshop included to help you master tapping techniques.
  • Audio Sessions: Perfect for on-the-go support, including guided tapping sessions.
  • Take a Challenge: give yourself a challenge to boost your self-love and your self-care in two separate short challenges you can take at any time.
  • Meditations and Healings: Sarah records beautiful healing meditations you can use any time to connect with the universal healing frequency of love.

2. Expert Guidance

  • Live Tapping Circle Replays: Go deep with Tapping and other tools to manage daily emotions, release old traumas, and rewrite old beliefs.
  • Deeper Spiritual Teachings: Sarah recorded live events covering topics such as Shadow work, Intuition, Life Purpose, and Manifesting. 
  • Moon Rituals and Yin Yoga: support your spiritual connection with the moon and your body with recordings of new moon, full moon rituals, and meditations with Kelly Day, and yin and breathwork practice with Lisa Lawton
  • Special Guests: catch up on incredible guests covering topics such as Human Design, Menopause, Crystals, Angels with Anna Grace Taylor, Somatic Practices with Caroline Fitzgerald, Business Energetics with Polly Hearsey, Tarot and Oracle Card Masterclass with Caroline Meade, Intution and Pendulum Workshop by Kelly Day and so much more.

3. Easy Access via the App

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the library with ease using our app.
  • Star your favourites: find them quickly and come back to them any time


About Sarah

Hi, I'm Sarah Tobin, a qualified EFT Tapping practitioner, Reiki Master, and trainer in various healing modalities.

After the loss of my daughter Alice, I felt compelled to teach Tapping to mums worldwide. I understand the importance of releasing trauma and embracing positive thinking for healing.

Since 2015, EFT Tapping has been integral to my life, helping me through motherhood and personal challenges. I've created this library to share these techniques, supporting your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being on your healing journey.

What is EFT Tapping?

EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful method for overcoming emotional and physical challenges. By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on an issue or emotion, this technique helps rewire the brain's response to stress and trauma, fostering a sense of safety and calmness.

Tapping on these points releases negative emotions and beliefs that may be holding you back, such as anxiety, depression, pain, and cravings. Regular practice of EFT Tapping can lead to positive changes in mindset and behavior, promoting a happier and healthier life.

Join Now

Tier 1 - Citrine
Monthly Membership

Monthly membership of £11 per calendar month.

Join Now £11/mth

Tier 2 - Quartz
Monthly Membership

Monthly membership of £22 per calendar month.

Join Now £22/mth

Tier 3 - Amethyst
Monthly Membership

Monthly membership of £33 per calendar month

Join Now £33/mth

Tier 1 - Citrine
6-Month Membership

Pay for 6 months upfront and receive one month free.
(No refunds)

Join Now £55/6mths

Tier 2 - Quartz
6-Month Membership

Pay for 6 months upfront and receive one month free.
(No refunds)

Join Now £110/6mths

Tier 3 - Amethyst
6-Month Membership

Pay for 6 months upfront and receive one month free.
(No refunds)

Join Now £165/6mths


A Source Of Comfort

"Sarah has been a great source of comfort and has provided a lot of tools to help me on this journey called Life and motherhood. Through all the ups and downs it's great to have a like-minded community of women who share the same interests. Love being part of the membership and it's always an interesting topic that Sarah covers. Definitely recommend Sarah and her magic."

Healing + Expansion

"Joining Sarah’s community has been huge for me. I believe so much of my healing has been unlocked thanks to the work she does, and the community she has created. The content of the community is phenomenal it has helped me expand and open up so much. I feel like I’ve grown and continue to grow each day! I am beyond thankful for this community and so grateful every day it fell into my lap."

Exploring You

"Sarah's membership truly is one of those incredible things. Its a beautiful safe space where women come together, lead so expertly by Sarah, to explore who they truly are and are encouraged to really step into and own their own power.

It is a gorgeous, light-filled community and one which I feel so blessed to be a part of." 

Be Inspired

“You've inspired me greatly to do some more healing work for myself and I feel wonderful having done the Ancestral Trauma workshop. It was enjoyable, informative, thought-provoking, felt so safe and was wonderfully good for the soul”


"I just had to email and tell you what a big energy shift I've felt since last nights workshop. I feel like I've been able to let go of the limiting beliefs that have been stopping me from growing. My future self feels like such a positive presence today"

Deep Healing

"Sarah... the womb healing is soooo powerful and amazing. I just had to thank you. I bawled my eyes out and heaved a little too but felt a massive realisation/ shift. Unbelievable. 

Thank you so so much"


"My life has literally been transformed since joining this Membership. I have gone from surviving to thriving since joining in December of 2021. It's been the best decision I have ever made in regard to putting myself first in my life.

I have learned to tap, meditate, use oracle cards,  and gotten back to using my crystals daily. Tapping has helped me to shift my perspective and release enormous amounts of deeply buried emotions.

The community that you envisioned, created and now holds space for is light-filled, and love-filled.

My own healing journey has transformed my life so powerfully and incredibly in the three months, that I myself barely recognize the new me.

If you are not sure if joining this membership is the right thing for you; ask yourself this question- “Do I want to be standing in the same place in 3 months?”. I can say this from the bottom of my heart, you will never regret the time you spend working on yourself, tending the body-mind-soul and spirit". 

Mary-Beth, Alaska, Member for 2.5 years.
Image of Turnagain Arm taken by Mary-Beth.

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