Tapping Testimonial - "Super motivated to start my 1-year booze-free journey"

alcohol booze free eft sober tapping Nov 26, 2019
Title Image - Peach background with Tapping Testimonial Giving Up Alcohol in dark text.

I’ve been in contact with Reka @fitmumsbible for a the best part of a year. Her friend, who had come to see me for a Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique session had introduced us. Reka is planning on having an alcohol-free year in 2020 and wanted some help with Tapping. She had very consciously identified an over reliance on wine every day, which was incongruent with her very healthy lifestyle and fitness business. So before seeing me, she had a plan to remain alcohol-free until Christmas, and then start 2020 alcohol-free.

This is her testimonial…

I had my first 1-2-1 session with Sarah a few weeks ago. I got in touch with her because I wanted to reduce the desire to finish the day with a glass of wine (or two). As a working mum I very rarely get to go out and instead of the weekend boozing with friends, I started to just enjoy drinking wine at home after putting my little boy down and rewarding myself this way for all the hard work I have done. I found myself drinking most evenings and I wanted to stop this as it did not fit in well with my otherwise healthy lifestyle of regular exercise, clean eating and practising mindfulness.

From the start Sarah made me feel calm and confident to openly talk about my past.

Just after one session I felt so motivated and `light` in myself….I was `taken back` to times in my life when I felt sad and lost and I managed to let go of feelings, beliefs and memories that no longer serve me. We were literally getting to the bottom of why I am feeling the need to drink to relax or fill some sort of gap.

I am 3 weeks in now, the first week was tough. But every time I craved my evening vino, I immediately started tapping. I came up with a script with my own words, which varied each time according to how I felt and what was going through my mind. 

By Day 4 I started noticing that I did not want to drink as much, but alcohol was still on my mind a lot, so I kept tapping, by week 2 I literally didn’t even think of drinking at all. I even went out for dinner in a lovely restaurant surrounded by people drinking lovely wine, but I did not feel like having one. I was shocked πŸ˜‰

I was absolutely amazed at the rapid results, it is like something just clicked in my head and I now feel in complete control and the desire to drink has reduced drastically or even vanished.

 It is still early days but I am super motivated to start my 1-year booze-free journey next January.

I am forever grateful for Sarah`s help for teaching me such a simple yet powerful tool that I can take with me and use anytime and anywhere.

I’m sure you’ll wish her well along with me and hope she has an extremely happy and successful 2020.



What Next?

I’ve a series of free Tapping Meditation videos you can watch on You Tube here

I run Tapping Workshops and Tapping Circles on different topics, as well as Corporate Workshops intended to teach tapping to as many people as possible. I will be launching a Pregnancy Tapping Club soon too. You can find out all about my different offerings here. If you want me to come (remotely) into your business to teach your colleagues how to tap email me here: [email protected]

If you want to take part in another replay for any of the tapping circles I’ve done before please find them in my shop here

I work one to one with clients releasing grief, trauma, negative memories, limiting beliefs and generally helping them to let go and feel much happier in themselves. You can book a session here.

Listen to my ‘Tapping into with Sarah Tobin’ Podcast - on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or via my website here.

Follow me on social media here: Instagram and Facebook and You Tube

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