EFT Tapping for Travel Anxiety: A Guide to Calmer Journeys

eft tapping travel anxiety Jul 22, 2024

Travelling, as exciting as it sounds, can often come bundled with a mix of stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. Whether it's the planning, the packing, the airport hustle, or the uncertainties of the journey itself, these feelings can take a toll on even the most seasoned travellers. It is even more stressful if you are bringing the family with you! You're not alone if you've ever felt the weight of travel anxiety. Many of us experience it, and there are ways to alleviate it.

In this tapping video, I guide you through a session aimed at easing travel anxiety. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), combines gentle tapping on specific points of the body with focused dialogue to address emotional distress and promote relaxation. It's a powerful tool that can help us reframe our thoughts and release tension. 

Why Do We Feel Travel Anxiety?

I start by acknowledging the multitude of emotions that can accumulate into travel anxiety. From the stress of packing and preparation to the uncertainties of the journey itself, these feelings can manifest physically and mentally, often centring in areas like the chest, stomach, or head.

The Tapping Process

Whether you're new to tapping or already familiar with the technique, this is an easy-to-follow process that you can do anytime, anywhere - especially at the airport or on the aeroplane itself. I encourage you to tap along with me but do feel free to adapt the words to your feelings and experiences where necessary. The process starts with acknowledging the anxiety and gradually moves towards acceptance and release.

Addressing Concerns and What-Ifs

Throughout the session, I address common worries that travellers may encounter: fear of flying, uncertainties at the airport, concerns about delays or discomfort during the flight, and the general loss of control that comes with travelling. By tapping on these concerns and expressing self-acceptance, I guide you towards a more relaxed state of mind.

Shifting Towards Positivity

A key aspect of the tapping session is the transition from negative "what-ifs" to positive possibilities. I encourage you to envision a smoother travel experience, focusing on moments of enjoyment and relaxation during the journey. This shift in perspective helps to reduce anticipatory anxiety and promotes a sense of calm assurance.

Conclusion: Embracing Relaxation and Trust

As the tapping session concludes, I encourage you to tune into your feelings and embrace a sense of trust that everything will be okay. By letting go of stress and tension, and by welcoming the uncertainties of travel with openness rather than fear, we can cultivate a more enjoyable and fulfilling travel experience.

Join Us on the Journey

If you found this tapping session helpful, I invite you to explore more videos on her blog or You Tube channel dedicated to supporting emotional well-being, including specific sessions for women. You can also connect with me on Instagram @sarah_tobin for more insights and updates.

Travel anxiety doesn't have to dampen your adventures. With tools like tapping, you can navigate the journey with greater ease and enjoyment. Remember, the next time you feel anxious about travel, take a moment to tap into calmness and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Safe travels and happy tapping!

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